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JFBA Guidance on Prevention of Foreign Bribery

Given that the issue of foreign bribery has become a major risk that may directly lead to damage to corporate value for Japanese companies, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations has issued “Guidance on Prevention of Foreign Bribery” (the “Guidance”) in July 2016. This Guidance provides practical guidelines and contemporary best practice for Japanese companies and counsel who provide legal advice to them in relation to implementation of anti-bribery measures. The ABCJ members played roles in the drafting process the Guidance. The dissemination of the Guidance is regarded as one of the prime engagements of the ABCJ.

ABCJ Guidance on Crisis Management of Foreign Bribery Cases

ABCJ published the Guidance on Crisis Management of Foreign Bribery Cases in October 2024 with the purpose of specifically outlining the foreign bribery crisis management, based on Article 12 of the JFBA Guidance, taking into account the latest practical trends and including the utilization of the Plea Bargaining System.​

Anti-Bribery Assessment Tool

Currently, bribery risks are increasing in materiality from the viewpoint of both their impact on the capital efficiency and corporate value of companies as well as their impact on ESG (environment, social and governance). In addition, a company’s involvement in bribery results in inappropriate accounting processing in order to prevent the detection of such involvement and, as such, bears the risk of giving rise to doubts regarding the reliability of the company’s financial information. In light of this situation, the ABCJ has developed the Anti-Bribery Assessment Tool (the “Assessment Tool”) in collaboration with the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), for promoting engagement and dialogues between institutional investors and investee companies on the enhancement of bribery prevention measures. The tool aims to enhance the transparency and sustainability of companies, through the use of the tool by both institutional investors and investee companies.

Tokyo Principles for Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices

The ABCJ has helped the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) draft and disseminate the “Tokyo Principles for Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices”. The companies agreeing to the Tokyo Principles are expected to proactively disclose the status of their anti-corruption initiatives as much as possible by using, for example, the Anti-Bribery Assessment Tool, and to have constructive engagement and dialogues with stakeholders, including investors.


Below is a list of the publication authored by ABCJ's members on anti-bribery issues.



Secretariat: 高橋大祐(弁護士)/ Daisuke Takahashi (Attorney)

藤野真也(研究者)/ Shinya Fujino (Researcher)

E-mail: / Phone: +81-4-7173-3761

〒277-8686 千葉県柏市光ヶ丘2-1-1麗澤大学企業倫理研究センター気付

c/o Business Ethics and Compliance Research Center, Reitaku University,

Hikarigaoka 2-1-1, Kashiwa 277-8686, Chiba, Japan

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