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anti-bribery committee Japan


The Anti-Bribery Committee Japan (ABCJ) is an independent expert group, established by Japanese lawyers and researchers who had drafted and supervised the “Guidance on Prevention of Foreign Bribery”, which was published by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) in July 2016.

Since its launch in September 2016, the ABCJ has been engaging in various activities for strengthening anti-bribery measures, including the dissemination of the JFBA’s Anti-Bribery Guidance; the development of an Anti-Bribery Assessment Tool; and Tokyo Principles for Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices.



Four lawyers from ABCJ delivered a presentation at the 26th UNAFEI UNCAC Training Programme..

October 31, 2024

On October 31, 2024, at the 26th UNAFEI UNCAC Training held at the International Legal and Justice Center (Akishima-City, TOKYO), ABCJ Committee members—Lawyers Tatsuya INAGAWA, Kengo NISHIGAKI, Ayumi FUKUHARA, and Nobuhiro MATSUO—delivered a presentation and joined discussions with participants on the topic, “Anti-Corruption Initiatives in Japanese Companies and the Significant Role of Lawyers.” 

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ABCJ published the "Guidance on Crisis Management of Foreign Bribery Cases".

October 3, 2023

ABCJ has published the "Guidance on Crisis Management of Foreign Bribery Cases",with the purpose of specifically outlining the foreign bribery crisis management, based on Article 12 of the JFBA Guidance, taking into account the latest practical trends and including the utilization of the Plea Bargaining System.

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ABCJ and GCNJ co-hosted "Anti-Corruption Annual Forum 2024" supported by METI.

October 3, 2023

ABCJ and GCNJ co-hosted its 7th "Anti-Corruption Annual Forum" with the support of Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). At this year's forum, discussions focused on the frontline efforts to prevent bribery, with an emphasis on how companies handle hospitality-related corruption and bribery issues both domestically and internationally.


ABCJ and GCNJ co-hosted "Anti-Corruption Annual Forum 2023" supported by METI.

October 3, 2023

ABCJ and GCNJ co-hosted its 6th "Anti-Corruption Annual Forum" with the support of Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). This year's forum highlighted anti-corruption management practicesupon the amendment of Japanese Unfair Competition Prevention Act (UCPL) which has strengthened and expanded penalties for bribery of foreign public officials.


ABCJ was invited to give a speech at the Summit for Democracy co-hosted by U.S. and South Korean governments.

March 30, 2023

Attorney Nishigaki, an officer of ABCJ gave a speech on ABCJ's activities at the Summit for Democracy Indo-Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Conference hosted by the U.S. and South Korean goverments.


Anti-Corruption Seminar Series II “Learning from an U.S. attorney with federal prosecution experiences―Foreign Bribery Risk Management Practices for U.S. FCPA”

January 24, 2023

ABCJ invited an U.S. attorney, Sam Amir Toossi (Akrivis Law Group Partner), who has experiences as a former U.S. federal prosecutor and is specialized in white collar defense and regulatory compliance, to speak on compliance, extraterritorial jurisdiction, and crisis-management practices, including investigative procedures and responses at the U.S. DOJ and SEC. 


ABCJ and GCNJ co-hosted "Anti-Corruption Annual Forum 2022" supported by METI.

​September 26, 2022

ABCJ and GCNJ co-hosted its 5th "Anti-Corruption Annual Forum 2022" with the support of Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). This year's forum highlighted the crisis management practices of bribery cases as well as the global operation of intenal reporting systems.



Secretariat: 高橋大祐(弁護士)/ Daisuke Takahashi (Attorney)

藤野真也(研究者)/ Shinya Fujino (Researcher)

E-mail: / Phone: +81-4-7173-3761

〒277-8686 千葉県柏市光ヶ丘2-1-1麗澤大学企業倫理研究センター気付

c/o Business Ethics and Compliance Research Center, Reitaku University,

Hikarigaoka 2-1-1, Kashiwa 277-8686, Chiba, Japan

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